Best Essential Design Tips For Beginners

The world of graphic design is deceptively simple. One of the biggest mistakes that beginners make, for example, is overestimating expectations. Most clients want something that is simple yet effective, understated yet eye catching, and functional but user-friendly. It all sounds like a massive contradiction, but is easier when taking into account designs that already work.

With all of that in mind, there are a few essential tips that beginner graphic designers should hold dear. Let’s take a look at them now.

Keeping It Simple

KISS; keep it simple stupid. As just mentioned above, the majority of clients aren’t looking for the next big revolutionary thing. On the contrary, expectations are probably for something that looks good, and gets the job done. It is best to keep in mind that the more complicated a design is, the more difficult it becomes to understand. Above all else, good design starts from an idea that is simple, while also having room to be versatile.

Keep Colours Cohesive

Despite what most humans will say, they all inherently recognise a colour scheme that works. Complimentary colours are obvious when seen side by side, while those that clash are equally as obvious. Hence, sticking to what works is always best when it comes to choosing a colour scheme. Remember; the client is almost certainly not looking for something bold and experimental.

Visual Hierarchy Above All Else

Where does the eye start when falling onto a design, where does it go next, and where does it go from there? Again, most humans will recognise visual hierarchy in a design, even if they don’t understand it. If your design doesn’t work within accepted structures, it will instantly become visual chaos. All good design starts with a soundly thought out hierarchy.

Understanding Negative Space

Negative space, or the space between design choices, is severely underutilised. Minimalist design is celebrated for a reason, given that it does the job with the least amount of clutter possible. A good idea is to start with the minimalist approach, then only expand based on client needs. Remember; negative space makes the design choices all the more pronounced.

Use A Template

There is a misconception that design professionals don’t use templates. Templates are only for those that don’t know what they’re doing, right? Wrong. Templates are, very specifically, intended to save time. Using a template doesn’t mean by any means that a graphic layout will look cheap, generic, or amateurish. The simple layout can be expanded and brought to life in numerous ways, becoming something as professional as if it were created from scratch.

Stay Organised

Lastly, being a good graphic designer is about far more than just the art itself. A professional understands that being punctual is amongst the most important aspects of making clients happy. More so delivering work in an easy to understand, easily navigated package. The work itself could be outstanding like the online betting NZ offers, only for the job to be given a negative review simply because the files weren’t in the correct format.